Advanced Life Deferred Annuity

ALDA  is the acronym for the Canadian Advanced Life Deferred Annuity. Now you are able to use this annuity to defer registered taxable income up to your age 85.

First mentioned in the 2019 Canadian Federal budget, the ALDA  was touted by the government as the biggest change in Canadian retirement planning in quite some time. An ALDA, specifically designed for registered funds was projected to be available starting in 2020.

The reality is, Canadian insurance companies did not rush to embrace ALDAs and it wasn’t until December 2023 that the first ALDA  became available. Now available, the ALDA is a Canadian Government approved life pay annuity that allows individuals to defer part of unlocked registered funds such as registered retirement savings plans [RRSP], registered retirement income plans [RRIF] and deferred profitsharing plans [DPSP] up to the age of 85.

Choosing an ALDA would permit an individual to defer up to 25 per cent to a maximum of $170,000 in 2024 of an individual’s aggregate registered investment accounts to be used to purchase an annuity that begins payments at the very latest by the end of the year in which they turn 85. The government maximum for 2020 was $150,000. In 2024 the limit has been increased to $170,000.  ALDA purchases are rounded to the nearest $10,000.

Withdrawals from an ALDA are fully taxable, and upon death any remaining funds in such an account would become fully taxable to the owner’s estate unless left to a surviving spouse, common law spouse, or financially dependent child or grandchild. If a qualified transfer of registered funds is made to surviving spouse, common law spouse or financially dependent child or grandchild, any withdrawals in their hands is fully taxable.

Traditionally, owners of RRSPs must elect before the end of December of their 71st year of age, and choose which investment vehicle they intend to use to begin periodic withdrawals from their registered investments. The choices are to simply de-register their plan and pay tax on the lump sum received, a registered retirement income plan or a registered annuity.

While not necessarily for everyone, an ALDA could be an important option for the right retiree. For those retirees with significant registered savings, being able to defer up to 25 per cent of those savings up to age 85 would reduce minimum required RRIF withdrawals during one’s 70s up until age 85 when the ALDA would start. After this deferral period, annuity payments are guaranteed payable for life.  There are no fees. Purchase price is returned if death takes place before the first payment.  After first payment, death triggers a return of the difference between purchase price and payments received.

Obtain a free ALDA quote by reaching out to annuity broker, John Beaton at