What are The Best Canadian Annuity Payout Rates
Category : News
In comparison to the United States, Canada has a relatively smaller number of insurance companies that offer annuities. Of those Canadian insurance companies that offer annuities, there are only several players who are consistantly the top sources for best payout rates. Nevertheless, annuity rates change often, sometimes daily, so comparing payout rates often is prudent. As a full time annuity broker, I keep on top of these changes and I’m able to provide current, up to date information. I use a software computer program provided by Cannex, a Canadian company that supports the exchange of pricing information for annuity and bank products across North America.
Usually the by the same afternoon of the same day that you ask me which Canadian insurance companies have the best rates for life pay or term certain annuities, you will have precise information in your hands, presented in a manner which is useful to you.
The information you receive from me will reveal the current day’s annuity rates showing which insurance company has the best payout, which has the worst payout, and all payouts in between. Should you have questions about any aspect of what you have received, I’m available toll free at 1-800-667-8818 to explain. If you have your own insurance advisor, I would be happy to assist in making certain that you are selecting the right annuity for your circumstances.